Daily Archives: December 30, 2008

Good bye 2008-1

Good Evening friends, December 30, 2008. One day left for the end of year 2008. all the news papers and TV channels are showing how was 2008 with reference to industry, sports, business, entertainment, science, technology, medicine, international peace, international relations, and all.


Financially it was not good, everyone know that and me too know that because I also lost money in stock market. Few good thing and bad thins also happen which touches to me and a simple man life too. Last month of 2008 was recession period in word economy. All these talks are for others. I like to evaluate and share 2008 for my self.


Year 2008 for Dhirendra. Good, bad, excellent, moderate. Well long story to share. A very long list I have to write here. Before I go to that, the best thing 2008 give me is DHYAAN. My younger son born in may, 2008. So, for me 2008 is a mile stone year in life. About other aspect of it, we talk in next post.