Daily Archives: December 20, 2008

Indian education cheap but professional, say foreign students – 1

Good morning friends. Education is very important to a person.  It is our wealth.  That’s why parents should prepare for the education of their children.  No amount of many can buy if our children finished their education.  We have to plan for the future of our children.

Many Indian students want to study abroad, paying through their nose in the process. At the same time, students from across the world are filling university seats here for ‘cheap, professional and internationally ranked’ Indian education.

On an average, about 3,500 students visit India on educational programmes from over 70 countries every year, courtesy the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), one of its officials told IANS.

The ICCR awards 2,000 scholarships to these students every year.

‘People from my country come to India because the cost of education here is very low. Besides, India offers really high quality and good education in a very short duration – the courses here do not take that much time to complete and we can go back home and easily get a job,’ Jessica Dayal, a special education volunteer from Tanzania, told IANS.

Dayal is in Delhi for a year to learn how to help out children with disabilities.

Sam Kast, anothr Tanzanian, is studying pharmacy at the Jamia Hamdard University: ‘India is constantly developing in terms of technology and that is also one reason we want to come here,’ he said.

‘Pursuing pharmacy back home for me would have taken around eight years and if I’d failed, it might have got stretched to even 12 years. However, in India, it’s only for four years and I can do a specialization in the time I’d have taken just to graduate in Tanzania.’


Ref: yahooindia