Daily Archives: December 13, 2008

Learning to teach!

Good morning friends.  We have to increase our knowledge in everything.  As each of everyone of us have the thinking of what they can do in the society, what they can offer, we can study for more knowledge.  We all want to share to our society what we learned.  After reading some articles in reference my pleasure to share it with you.

Youngsters just out of college and on the first flight of stairs to a  career. Homemakers making time out of looking after a family to do something else for themselves. Senior citizens with the knowledge that comes with having lived a life. IT professionals with whole weekends to spare. Teach India, a Times of India initiative, attracted a number of people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and all age groups to  Self Employed Womens’ Association (SEWA) near Ellisbridge on Thursday.

They were there wanting to do something for the society; willing to travel far, sacrifice social life only with an objective of helping the children realize their dreams.

The curious group of volunteers lent a patient ear as Reema Nanavati, rural development director of Sewa, gave them an overview of the campaign. “Through this, we will be able to bridge the divide between ourselves and those who have not been as lucky,” she said.

Just as she finished, eager volunteers came up with questions of their own. While Samta Keswani, a former teacher, inquired about subjects that can be taught, Chirag Parekh, a student wanted to know about number of students in each class.

Surprisingly most homemakers, many of who had brought their kids along, had opted for morning batches despite their hectic schedule. Said Vaishali Dua, “I think I deserve a morning in the week to do something for myself. It will be lovely to start my day with a noble cause.”

Ashok Kaul, a marketing manager in a MNC had taken leave from work to reach the venue. “Apart from curriculum, I want to give emphasis on grooming personality and moral values,” he said.

Among the volunteers, was also present a special family. As many as five members of the family had registered themselves for the campaign. The youngest of them, 20-year-old Munira had also brought along her sexagenarian grandmother, in a show of solidarity. In another corner, students from LD Engineering college tried to work out a time which would not clash with their college classes. Standing along with them, Bhanu Gupta, an IT professional said, “I plan to reschedule my work hours and reach there an hour later after teaching.”

ref: thetimesofindia