Tag Archives: Kids

Happy and Joyous Navratri


Kid’s were participating in the Navratri Celebration.  NAV means number 9 and RATRI means dance.  It’s a dance festival which were participated by many, even kids.  It’s a happy celebration with a lot of garba.

Solar eclipse: Thousands watch celestial extravaganza ’10 (1 of 2)

Good morning friends.  Yesterday was the second day of Kite Festival Celebration.  Everybody was busy flying their kite.  Some are busy watching the solar eclipse. 

On a bright Friday afternoon, all eyes at Gujarat Science City were trained heavenwards. A huge crowd had gathered there to enjoy the first annular solar eclipse of the year and also the longest in the millennium.

 Kids, amateurs, scientists, eclipse chasers and solar enthusiasts wearing special protection glasses patiently watched the majestic natural phenomena unfold – as the sun slowly got eclipsed by moon.

Former Scientist, PRL, JN Desai said, “A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between earth and the sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring earth’s view of the sun.”

“An annul solar eclipse happens when moon’s apparent diameter becomes smaller than the sun, resulting in the latter look like a ring,” Desai added.

The eclipse started at around 11 am and continued till 3 pm. An annual eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region speed over thousands of miles.

Gurvinder Sheth had visited the Science City along with her two young children who had made a small project on the solar eclipse. Sheth said, “Hands-on experience helps children learn much better. They came up with this project to make the experience more interactive.”

More than 1,500 visitors were at the Science City to watch the solar eclipse. Principal secretary, department of science & technology, Ravi Saxena, who was among those present on the occasion, said, “Science City is organizing a lot of activities to create and promote scientific awareness.

The event was a great success with the enthusiasts today and they thronged to see the eclipse defying the superstitions related to the event.”

Holy Bed for my Lord Krishan

Good morning friends.  Today is the special day of our Lord Krishna.  It’s his birthday today. Tonight we will have a program in honor of our Lord.  We are going to have  a birthday celebration which will be done at Manav Parival Hall.  We expect that more than 250 people will join the celebration.  The activities will start at 10-00 pm onwards.   We have all the birthday decoration there.  We also prepare some for our kids like balloon, chocolates, candies and others.  At exactly 12-00 midnight, we will be the celebration of our Lord Krishna’s birthday itself.

Lord Krishna's bed

In this picture you will see the bed of our Lord.  It was decorated by us.  Many did the effort to make this bed a good one.  At 10-00 pm, this bed will be covered by a cloth, while Lord Krishna is inside.  At 11-45, all the lights will be turned off.  Only one light will be on.  Channting will be going on.  At 11:59:59, Conch will start and the lights will be turn on.  The flowers will be given to each all there.  they will allow to throw flowers to our Lord.  For those who don’t know the conch, it is a kind of shell that found in the beach.  It is a big snail, a shell which makes a noise.

They tied friendship band to slum kids

Good morning friends.  As we are celebrating friendship day, the closeness of one another was observed a lot.  That’s why they tied a friendship band to slum kids.  It’s a good thing to know such like that.  And it can be done by everyone.

A group of 35 youngsters from the Youth Red Cross Society, in association with National Service Scheme of Shahjanand College, participated in an health awareness camp in the slums of Juna Vadaj to celebrate Friendship Day on Sunday .

One of the participating student, Sumy Parappuly, said, “We wanted to celebrate the Friendship Day in a different way. And, meeting and spending time with these under-privileged children is the best option. The experience was enriching for all of us.”

“We told them about the dangers of mosquitoes and other monsoon related diseases. We also taught them little ways by which they can keep their surroundings clean to avoid unhygienic conditions. Besides, pamphlets were distributed among slum-dwellers, telling them the importance of cleanliness in their locality.” added Parappuly.

Not only this, the youngsters also tied friendship bands to these kids. Hetal Panchal, program co-coordinator of Gujarat chapter Red Cross Society, said, “This is an initiative to promote cleanliness drive in the slum areas and make slum-dwellers informed about monsoon diseases.” The Times of India

Busy kids for Holi Day


Shivam here has already his color in his forehead.  But the other kids there were still just preparing.  They are busy to put that color in that spray.  It’s a messy thing to do, so they went to the back of the house and fix all necessary things to do.  They have there a pale of water.  Helping each other will make the preparation done soon.