Tag Archives: Manav Parivar

Defination of Fragrance of Joint Family


Joint Family


Enjoy Life

A Very Nice Message so Could Not Stop Myself From Sharing

Are we earning to pay builders, interior designers, caterers and decorators?

Whom we want to impress with our highly inflated house properties & fat weddings?

Do you remember for more than two days what you ate in somebody’s marriage?

Why are we working like dogs in our prime years of life?

How many generations we want to feed?

Most of us have two kids. Many have a single kid. How much is the “need” and how much do we “want”?

Won’t our next generation be able to earn? Can not we spare one and a half days a week for friends,family and self?

Do you spend 5% of your monthly income for rejuvenating your self? Usually, no!

Why can’t we enjoy simultaneously while we earn? Spare time to enjoy before you have slipped-discs and large prostates.

We don’t own properties, we just have temporary name on documents.

God laughs sarcastically, when someone says, “I am the owner of this land.”

Do not judge a person only by the  length of his car. Many of our science and maths teachers were great personalities riding on scooters!

It is not bad to be rich, but it is very unfair to be only rich :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Volunteering at manavparivar medical camp

Manav Parivar Medical Camp

Manav Parivar Medical Camp Site at Village Matar, Gujarat

Free Food For All

Free Food For All at manavparivar medical camp on at village matar.


Volunteering at manav parivar medical camp by Dhirendra


Bird’s House @ Matar

Happy Holi with Dhirendra

Happy Holi with Dhirendra

Happy Holi

Happy Holi

Social Work @ weekend

Hello Friends,

Good Morning, As this Sunday is 4th Sunday of the month, Manav Parivar is having their pre schedul medical camp at village Matar, Dis. Kheda, Gujarat. I am preparing my self to go there as Winter is already started.

Me, my two son and my wife all be going from tonight for Weekend Volunteering in these medical camp. Little about medical camp. The single day OPD which starts on Sunday morning and also end on Sunday is having around 7000 patients.
Few statistical data to share with you friends. More than 16000 people to be managed all together.

More than 250 volunteers to deal with. many more things.

You got excited to see the pictures? i am going to take it for you and will going to share it with you. ok?

I wish you a nice, happy, creative and joy giving weekend. Take care of your self.



Dadaji’s Sandesh-1

To be continued in next post…….

Art Work At Manav Parivar Matar

Village People

People walking


People are already on the road — walking towards the Manav Parivar Center.  When they reached the center, all are resting there.  Manav Parivar provide the rest area for those people who want.  We have fresh rooms there.  After they rest for sometimes, they are ready to take their lunch.  And after having their lunch they rest again.  Most of them left in the evening.  Thousands of people went there.