Daily Archives: December 23, 2008

Colleges students get ready to celebrate Environment Day

On Saturday, students of LD Arts College along with lecturers and the principal will get off their cars and bikes and ride a bicycle instead.


It is the season of culfests in colleges, but ever since Gujarat University (GU) banned celebration of days where students would go wild celebrating Rose Day’, Chocolate Day’ and Saree Day’, colleges are brimming with celebrations of socially relevant issues. So, Saturday will be celebrated as Environment Day’.

“I will come on cycle that day. This is the perfect way to sensitise students towards growing problems of air pollution and depleting energy reserves,” said Mahipatsinh Chavda, principal of LD Arts College, who feels that the ban on frivolous days has come as a blessing in disguise as students are suddenly organising events that promote social awareness.


One of the students expresses his plan this way. I am going to tell my father to use solvent recovery systems with the use of solvent recyclers and cleaning systems in his company. This is the way I am going to give my contribution on environment day.


The season may have begun on a rough note with action against HLBBA for violating the ban by hosting a fashion show. However, most colleges are adhering to celebration of days that give them the opportunity to celebrate but not with exchange of roses and chocolates. Rather, they will dwell on larger and more important issues like terrorism, environment, peace and even general sensitivity towards social issues.

LD College will also be celebrating Role Model Day’, where students will dress up like their role model. A special certificate will also be given to the best performers.

Anti-terrorism Day’ was celebrated at KS School of Business Management on Monday. As part of the celebrations, students took a pledge to prevent spread of terrorism in the country. Students of LJ Arts and Commerce College too will celebrate this day, wherein they will exchange their views over terrorism.

At Shahjanand College, students will celebrate Environment Day’, National Unity Day’ and Save the Girl Child Awareness Day’.

“The highlight of the event would be the Home Food Day’ where students will bring home-cooked food and share it with others,” a student said.

“Our students will visit orphanages and sing for the elderly as part of the Winter Day’ celebrations. I think it is a very touching idea, better than just dressing up and not doing anything thoughtful for society,” said Jean D’Souza of HA College of Arts and Commerce.

“Initially, we thought that culfests would not be the same without the usual celebrations, but we find the new celebrations mentally very stimulating,” said Jaimin Shah, a second-year student.

ref: thetimesofindia