Daily Archives: December 26, 2008

2008 at a glance for Dhirendra

Good Evening friends,

Merry Christmas to all. I like to wish HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. Beginning of 2009 and end for 2008. Time is running out very fast. I feel like 2008 just started few weeks back. And we are at end of 2008 now. 361 days completed.  Just 4 days left now.  Isn’t its time to make a evaluation statement for our self? Where I was at the beginning of 2008 and where I am at the end of 2008.


Business needs to make evaluation statements at regular intervals. Like weekly report, monthly statement, quarterly statement, half yearly statement and yearly statements. If you are aware with what business communities doing with all these statements, each statement get analyze. Top level management evaluates the monthly statement and from that they predict and plan for half yearly and yearly behavior of company. Again with quarterly statements they compare what was projected and what happy in actual, than plan again for next quarter. And with such analysis businesses makes profits and earn money. If they don’t analyze their behaviors during the year, they don’t come to know where they are going- towards profits or towards loose?


Same way in human life, each day passes with guarantee of not going to come back.

There is no one to ask us about our profits and loose as being human weather we are going towards upward side in life or towards downward? I believe as there is no one to ask us, we need to be more conscious about that part because there is no control on that.

I think one should ask following questions to him/her self.


  • Do I need to analyze year 2008 for my self?


  • Year 2008 good or bad for me as individual in material sense.


  • Year 2008 good or bad for me as individual with reference to me as human, me as live identity or we can say it with reference to spirituality?


We talk more in next post.

Toothy truth – 1

Good morning friends.  Different style, different smile….There will always be a perfection to everything.  I want to share with you the article a read in reference with The Times of India….

There are more to the changes in lifestyle than just pretty clothes. A bright smile, for instance, can be a style statement too, provided you have a great set of teeth.  If not, all you need to know is the address of a good dentist.

It’s a fact. Changes in our lifestyle are reflecting on our oral hygiene with people from all age groups heading to the dentist. They aren’t just getting a root canal done or a broken tooth capped, but also opting for fancier dental treatmenI wts, better known as cosmetic dentistry for that picture perfect smile.

Vijay Deshmukh, who specialises in dental implants, makes an interesting observation. “These days, patients demand dental implants because they know the advantages of such a treatment.”

Priced anywhere between Rs 25,000 to Rs 40,000, a dental implant can be performed within a span of 20 to 60 minutes. The patient’s psyche, when it comes to paying for such a treatment, too has changed. They don’t mind those dental treatments anymore,” says Deshmukh, who attends to some 20 patients per month, as against to not more than eight a few years ago.

At the same time, dental tourism is on the rise, he says. “This involves non-resident Indian (NRIs) and foreigners coming to India for dental treatments done as these treatments are six to ten times costlier in their respective countries,” says Deshmukh, who have patients from countries such as Sweden, Spain and the US.

Dentists say it is a costly affair as the treatment costs are calculated as per the infrastructure in the dental clinic, the inputs for each patient and the other costs. “But the awareness about dental treatments has definitely increased among people,” says orthodontist Ravindra Sable.