Category Archives: US

Terror evidence in Indian dossier credible: US

Good Evening friends,

Indian government is saying from long time that those terrorist were Pakistanis and Pakistan is involve in to that. Last week Indian home minister give those evidence to different world leaders. I read this news at times of india website. Us says that terror evidence in Indian dossier are credible. This statement says too many things about india as well as about Pakistan too.


The evidence contained in the dossier given by India to Pakistan about the involvement of Pakistanis in the November 26 Mumbai attacks is  “credible”, the US ambassador to New Delhi David Mulford said on Wednesday.


“What was disturbing that the attack was carried out from the territory of Pakistan,” Mulford said during an hourlong interaction with the editors of The Times of India.


The 69-page dossier based on the investigations carried out so far was given by India to Pakistan and the ambassadors of many other countries, including the US, on Tuesday.


Rejecting the suggestion that India and the US may not be “on the same page” in dealing with Pakistan on the Mumbai attack issue, the US ambassador said: “We are absolutely on the same ground.” “When somebody kills Americans somewhere we go after him,” he added.