Daily Archives: November 12, 2008

Cleanliness work at Charbagh outsourced

Good morning friends! I was always interested in reading news in The Times of India.  And i want to tell you about what i read.

Come Saturday and the job to ensure cleanliness at the Charbagh railway station  will be handed over to an NGO — Pehal. The agency has been outsourced the job of station cleaning for a period of one year.

Northern Railways (NR) has entered into a time-bound contract with the agency at a cost of Rs 77 lakh. As per the information provided by the station officials, 120 employees of the agency will monitor station cleanliness round the clock. The idea is more about mechanised cleaning of the platforms and the circulating area. The plan had been pending with the NR for the last six months.

It is, however, another matter that the outsourcing has become a problem for the 140-odd cleaning staff of the Charbagh. The officials, however, have assured that the staff will be shifted to other departments as the need be.

Apprehending a backlash from the aggrieved staff, NR postponsed its workshop on waste management which was scheduled for November 10. The cleaning staff was to be told about scientific and environment friendly disposal of waste during the workshop by a private agency. Now the workshop would be held either towards November end or at start of December.